TOP 10
These are my top 10 favorite games for 2017!
Just my opinion, folks.
Call of Duty WWII
COD went back to its roots. The story mode was challenging and engaging. Also, the multiplayer had you using words you wouldn't say in polite company.
Rating: 9.5/10
Assassins Creed: Origins
I'm biased when it comes to the Assassins Creed series, but I loved the backdrop of Egypt and the open world aspects. Also, hippos are dangerous!
Rating: 9.5/10
Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1 went in a different direction, and it paid off. The multiple story lines and characters had you pulled in from the beginning. The graphics were amazing, and my first drop into Battlefield multiplayer was worth it.
Rating: 9/10
Injustice 2
I'm not trying to start a war, but Injustice 2 is the real deal. The first Injustice game gave us an unique world view if heroes went villain and vise versa, but the newest installment gave us new characters and a story line that keep you replaying get that SuperMove or environment Break-Through.
Rating: 9/10
Forza Motorsport 7
Not the best racing gamer, but the style of Forza Motorsport could be described as iconic. The effects in the game alone will keep you occupied for hours as well as the most detailed automobiles I've ever seen in a video game.
Rating: 9/10
Star Wars Battlefront II
As a Star Wars fan, I take what I can get these days and Battlefront II was okay for this Star Wars fan. I wanted more story driven game play, but I was pleased with the new additions. Hopefully, EA will learn from the error of their ways.
Rating: 8.5/10
Rainbow Six: Siege
Not a big multiplayer fan, but this game got me interested in jumping into the world of Rainbow Six: Siege. The different playable characters and game modes helped this non-multiplayer want to play more multiplayer games.
Rating: 8.5/10
The Fractured but Whole
Trey and Matt, just take my money. South Park does it again whether we wanted to enjoy this game or not. With all the South Park references you could drown in this game kept you going back for all the characters and why you love the series for 20 years.
Rating: 8.5/10
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
BJ kept it real, and the sequel to the new Wolfenstein series did not disappoint. Jumping in from the beginning, you are on the edge of what Machine Games wanted to accomplish in the reboot series.
Rating: 9/10
Titanfall 2
A fan of the first game even though it was multiplayer, I looked forward to the sequel. A single player story helped drive my interest, but the mechanics needed more fine-tuning, in my opinion. Overall, an enjoyable game for the individual who loves mechs like I do.
Rating: 8/10